
Japan Infrastructure Investment Forum in Detroit – Big Success!

Jul 30, 2024

Washington CORE supported the 6th Japan Infrastructure Investment Forum in Detroit, Michigan on February 8, 2024.  This Forum, sponsored by Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport & Tourism (MLIT), featured a score of distinguished officials such as the Lt. Governor of Michigan, MLIT State Minister, Assistant U.S. Secretary of Transportation, the Consul-General of Japan in Detroit and industry representatives. The Forum was instrumental in bringing top technology companies and policymakers together to facilitate further collaboration between the U.S. and Japan. Washington CORE team worked hand in hand with the MLIT to design, plan and execute this important event.

The theme for the 2024 forum was “The Future of Mobility” – a topic well aligned with the history of host city Detroit the birthplace of the modern mobility industry. Distinguished officials opened the forum reiterating the importance of US-Japan collaboration on infrastructure. Industry representatives then shared their experiences and lessons learned from bilateral collaboration in developing and deploying advanced infrastructure technologies in Japan and the U.S. A panel discussion moderated by of Henry Payne of Detroit News and U.S. examined the challenges of mobility in the future from policy, technology and investment perspectives. The forum concluded with a reception, featuring Michigan-based infrastructure technology companies and research organizations which showcased their technologies related to road and bridge maintenance, railroads, performance automobiles, connected and autonomous technologies, EVs, and cyber security.

Please clink the link for more detailed article; Japan Infrastructure Investment Forum